Monday, February 2, 2015

James Turned 2!

James and Grandpa checking out the eagles.
On November 30th James turned 2! Because his birthday was the weekend of Thanksgiving this year he got to spend most of his actual birthday in the car driving back to Cincinnati from Georgia, so we did some celebrating the day before his birthday. To celebrate we went to the Chattahoochee Nature Preserve with my parents and Grandma and then out to dinner. James of course loved getting to eat some cake and opening presents (unlike last year he understands the concept of presents much better now).

James and his Daddy looking at a beaver.
The lion cake that I made for James.
Because we were in Georgia for Thanksgiving James got to open some presents from his Grandma and Grandpa Kendall over Skype a little early!
Playing with his new basketball hoop.
James continues to charm us constantly. He loves trucks, and cars, and trains - really anything with wheels is alright with him. He also loves reading books, playing with his stuffed animals, playing chase, and avoiding going to bed. James is always excited to go to story time, the museum, or the zoo - even Kroger is an ok outing with him since he gets a cookie there.

At two I don't even know how many words James knows anymore, but it is well over a thousand, and he has figured out how to combine those into sentences. As of his birthday the longest sentence he had said was 12 words, though it's much more common for him to stick to 4 to 5 word statements. He can also occasionally count to 10 (it's just occasionally because he often skips 4 and 5), but he really only understands the actual concept up to number 3 - after that it's just memorized.

James loves to jump and run and climb on the arms of our couches. Luckily he hasn't yet chosen to start climbing out of his crib. James enjoys throwing balls (and anything else he can get away with throwing) though he hasn't quite figured out the whole catching thing yet. James likes to walk his bike all around the house - we're hoping that by this spring he gets the concept of actually coasting, but for now he seems completely content to take it for walks.

We're super excited for everything that next year has to bring for this little munchkin!

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