Monday, November 4, 2013

James at 11 Months

James at 11 Months - October 30, 2013
One more month and this baby will be one year old, and I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by. James is getting cuter and cuter by the day, and of course he is constantly learning new tricks. James has gotten more confident standing this month and can now push off the floor to stand instead of having to use something to pull himself up. James can also toddle around with a push cart now, though no independent stepping has occurred yet (thank goodness). He has also figured out how to open and close doors (assuming they aren't actually closed to where you need to turn the handle), how to open drawers, how to pick things up while standing, and how to climb the stairs. Suffice it to say a lot of baby proofing has been going on around here.

James is also becoming more verbal. He still hasn't said any words, but he babbles constantly and is starting to mimic what Jed and I say.  Sadly, James still isn't sleeping through the night (patience is a virtue right).

James loves playing with toys, reading books, and playing chase. He also loves being thrown in the air, pulling everything out of the recycling bin, and throwing anything he can find into the toilet. James still makes adorable monster noises when he plays and gives big sloppy wet kisses. We love our cute little monster!

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