Friday, June 22, 2012

16 Weeks

16 weeks into this pregnancy and I'm feeling good.

Whenever I tell people I'm pregnant they immediately ask how I'm feeling and the answer is always just great.  It's kind of funny but when you wait like we did until the second trimester to tell people you're (at least I am) already in the feel good phase so you feel fine now and no one knew what the heck was wrong with you when you actually weren't feeling good for the first couple months. But c'est la vie.  Even for the first few months I really didn't have a bad time with this pregnancy and aside from a little nausea if I didn't eat at least every 2 hours and some major fatigue I felt fine;  no spending all day throwing up for this girl.

So as requested by my sister, above is a "belly" shot of me at 16 weeks.  Everyone keeps telling me that I'm not showing which is basically true.  But while it's true I don't really look pregnant I am definitely getting rounder - I guess it's that fun stage where no one can tell if you're pregnant or just putting on the pounds.  You can judge for yourself though: here's a comparison picture:

 Me at 12 weeks

My pouchy but not actually looking that pregnant belly at 16 weeks

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thinking of Christmas

It may just be June, but already I find myself spending an inordinate amount of time thinking about Christmas.  Not because I'm someone who usually plans that far in advance; it's practically a miracle if I ever get the decorations on the tree and if presents are all purchased by the day before Christmas Eve. No seriously - last year we never even got our tree decorated.  We bought it and put it up in the front room and it just sat there bare until we left to spend the holidays in Georgia.  But this year I have a special reason for thinking ahead to December because this December Jed and I will no longer be a family of two.  We are so very excited that sometime around December 6th we will be adding a little boy or girl to our family and I can't possibly think of a better Christmas gift than that.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Look Who Else Graduated

Alright so it happened a month ago, but I still felt like my graduation from law school deserved a post. As of now I am officially done with school ... forever! Now if only I didn't have to spend the next two months studying for the bar it could actually feel like I was finished.