Thursday, February 28, 2013

James at 3 Months

James at 3 Months - February 28, 2013 (I guess this is 3 months since there is no 30th of February)

Our sweet baby James is 3 months old and getting to be more fun all the time. James is currently 13 lbs 8 oz which puts in the the 40th percentile according to the WHO and the 73rd percentile for the CDC (isn't it crazy how different the charts are). At 3 months he smiles like crazy but rarely for the camera. He is becoming more vocal - so far his favorite sounds are "gee" and "a goo." He has also started laughing with a breathy giggle that is so cute.

He's getting better and better at holding his head up even if he does vehemently protest after a couple minutes of tummy time. And 4 days ago he learned a new trick when he rolled from his tummy to his back. Apparently he's not sure how he feels about rolling over though because he has declined to repeat his performance.

James absolutely loves to look in mirrors and make faces at himself. He is also a big fan of The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider and other silly songs. He giggles whenever you play This Little Piggy with him, and is oddly fond of having his diaper changed. He enjoys his nice, warm nightly bath, but sadly is sill not the biggest fan of going to sleep.

We love our little Jamesy Boy!

For comparison below is James a 1 month and at 2 months; I can't believe how much he has grown.

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