Monday, February 2, 2015


January has been cold and dreary (as Januaries usually are) but we've still managed to have some fun. Our fun has been stymied somewhat by sickness though. James had the stomach flu, which I then caught so I can attest to it's awfulness. Then James got a cold that lasted for almost a week, and even though it only seemed to really bother him for a couple of days his runny nose meant we stayed at the house for the week so that he wasn't spreading his germs everywhere since toddlers aren't really known for their hygiene.

In spite of our sickness James has still had a lot of fun playing at our house, going to the Children's Museum and story time at the library, and even getting to go to the park on a rare warm day.

Shoveling snow with Daddy.
Playing with his trains.
After Jed didn't replace the batteries in his tow truck for a few days James decided to get out his toolbox and take matters into his own hands.
Taking a bath with Pippin - as you can see James enjoys this a lot more than Pippin does.
James loves Story Time every Wednesday.
Playing in the sand at the Children's Museum.
At the park on our one warm day.

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