Saturday, November 2, 2013

James at 10 Months

James at 10 Months - October 2, 2013 (we were a couple days late with the picture this time)
James is starting to get too big for his own good, and mine. He is now pulling to standing and has started crawling on his hands and knees more consistently instead of reverting to his tried and true army crawl. James is also getting more opinionated about what he wants and when he wants it and isn't afraid to let you know if he's not getting what he thinks he needs.

James still loves story books and babbling all day long. In particular James likes to turn the pages for you when you read to him and will usually flip them for you when you ask. James also loves his toys, especially his activity table that plays music and makes noises. And of course he likes playing with anything that isn't a baby toy.

He still isn't a champion sleeper, in fact we've had some sleep setbacks recently, but Jed and I continue to hope that one day he'll just magically figure out how to sleep through the night on his own (it could happen right).

This month also marked the start of finger foods and so far James seems to be enjoying picking up and eating some of his own food. James still eats some purees in large part because he drops so much while he's eating on his own I'm worried he won't get enough to eat, and also because fruits and veggies are so darn slippery he has a hard time picking them up.

One more big milestone happened this month: James sprouted his first two teeth. Yep, this little guy is now just mostly toothless - he's got his two front bottom teeth to do damage with now.

It has also become much harder to take these monthly pictures. I have about 30 versions of the picture below on my camera:

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