Tuesday, September 3, 2013

James at 8 Months

James at 8 Months - July 30th 2013
James is on the move! This last month James started army crawling and is now moving about the house slowly but surely. James and I are both so happy that he can get to the toy he wants now on his own instead of having to play a guessing game where I try different toys until I get it right.

James's other big milestone this month: he started sleeping in his crib in his nursery (don't judge ok). It was probably a long time coming, but when James outgrew his original sleeper right around 4 months Jed and I just weren't ready to move him out of our room so we just transitioned him to a pack and play by our beds, but now he is finally in his very own room!

James of course continues to be an absolute joy - he still doesn't sleep through the night, but he's such a happy, sweet baby all day I can live with it. James still loves to babble and play - he bangs his toys together and likes to read books, he has even started to turn the pages on his own sometimes. James loves to be held while someone dances and sings and laughs and laughs when he is thrown or spun around.

James's favorite foods right now seem to be mangoes, nectarines, zucchini and cauliflower. He is not such a fan of (i.e. hates with a fiery passion) asparagus, apricots, and any kind of meat.

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