Tuesday, February 5, 2013

James Royce

2 months ago I had a baby. I haven't posted about it yet because babies are a lot of work. Luckily he is also adorable.

As you probably guessed from the post title we've named him James Royce. Jed and I are completely in love with this little bean.


  1. Adorable! Congrats! :)

    ps Babies are totally a lot of work!!

    1. Thanks! Amanda totally missed your blog going private - if you see his can you add me. My email is diane_kendall@comcast.net

  2. What a handsome little guy! Congrats you guys!

  3. Congratulations Jed and Diane! Baby James is so darling! I hope life with a newborn is treating you well and you are feeling not too sleep deprived! ;) I love when my babies get to be 3 months old because life seems to settle into a better rhythm and it only gets better from there! Hope you are well. Miss you.

    (oh, and please forgive my lack of reading blogs lately...I have been pretty bad at even keeping my own blog up to date lately!)
