Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Well because my life has essentially been consumed by studying for the bar at this point I spent the majority of the 4th of July studying while Jed went into work for a few hours and then tried to escape from the crazy heat wave we've been having here while playing with Darwin.  And honestly, even though I was studying it was such a nice change of pace to have Jed home throughout the day to chat with at lunch and to keep an eye on Darwin.

That evening we went to a friend's house for a barbeque, chatting, and to light off some fireworks.  Here is Jed enjoying the show (notice that it is fully light, but the fireworks still looked good). 

After that we headed home and decided to stay in that night to be there to comfort Darwin because all of the firework bangs that had been going on throughout the week leading up to the 4th scared him to death so we knew it would be a bad night for him.  I hope your 4th was just as lovely (really I hope you didn't have to study so it was even more lovely)

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