Around 8 I called the nurse in because I was feeling some pressure and after a quick check she confirmed that I was complete. The nurse went to have me do a practice push but then told me to stop mid-push because baby was right there and she needed to get the doctor. Once the doctor was there and everything was set up I started pushing and Claire was born just a few minutes later!
This labor and recovery has been a completely different experience than I had with James, though I did go into labor with both of them at night :) With James I pushed for 2 and a half hours before he was born with the assistance of forceps. I needed 33 stitches and then fainted shortly after labor because of blood loss. Even after having to get a blood transfusion I still felt weak for weeks after having James. With Claire pushing was super fast, I only needed one stitch and I've been feeling so much better. Thank goodness too because even with my Mom here James still wants attention from me and of course Claire needs lots of love!
James is doing great with handling the new baby in the house. Occasionally he tells me to put the baby down but for the most part he likes to help and is super cute with her.
We love our little Claire and can't wait to spend even more time snuggling with her!